Powerful People and Powerless People

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Powerful People and Powerless People

  • Powerful people plan for the future, while powerless people live day-to-day

  • Powerful people are proactive, while powerless people are reactive

  • Powerful people take risks, while powerless people are paralyzed by fear and indecision

  • Powerful people have confidence in their abilities, while powerless people are plagued by self-doubt

  • Powerful people have a circle of influence, while powerless people mistake influence for clout

  • Powerful people embrace change, while powerless people fear it and cling to outdated ideas

  • Powerful people take responsibility for their actions, while powerless people blame the world for their situation

Quote of the Day

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”

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🌐 News on Web3, plus other tech💪🏽

 Chinese disinformation efforts were removed from Meta's platform (Axios)

All the information you require for the Tesla Cybertruck (TC)

 Apple announces the winners of the App Store Awards and the top apps for 2023.

Technology forecasts until 2024 and beyond (ATD)

How Huawei shocked the US by producing a state-of-the-art semiconductor in China (ARS)

 Roadrunner, a fighter aircraft weapon that landings like a Falcon 9 (TC), is unveiled by Anduril.

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